


The ring cake together with coffee taste like a Sunday afternoon at a loving Slovak grandmother’s house. The ring cake is bathed in coffee, and the vodka soaks up the taste of the roasted coffee beans. But what will be the cherry on the cake? The solution is elegantly delicious, even logical in a Czech way: a proper coffee whipped cream made from eggs, cream, and sugar.


  • hot black coffee
  • ring cake or stollen
  • 10 ml sugar syrup
  • 100 % cocoa
  • Amaro
  • a handful of coffee beans
  • Macchiato foam
  • 3 whole eggs
  • 2 egg whites
  • 150ml whole milk
  • 50ml cream
  • 100ml sugar syrup


Soak the ring cake or stollen in black coffee. Then squeeze out all the liquid, and strain. You’ll get a clear blend of coffee and ring cake.

Roast the coffee beans on a dry pan, and then macerate them in CZECHOSLOVAKIA VODKA. Let stand and strain. Roast the 100% cocoa, and then macerate it in the Amaro. Strain.

Mix 15 ml of the Amaro mixture, 40 ml of CZECHOSLOVAKIA VODKA, 50 ml of the cake-and-coffee mixture, and the sugar syrup together in a shaker, and serve in a coffee glass. Top with macchiato foam. The foam can be made by mixing all the ingredients and filling them into a bottle for making whipped cream.

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